+ Allows decal dummy parts to have "NUM_DECALS" attribute to declare the number of slots.

+ Allows rims to have "LANGUAGEHASH" attribute. Press Enter or Esc to get back and enter the menu again.) (Known issue: When you use Esc key to back out from Backroom, you won't be able to move between the options. + Enables some BETA features if elaymm4's BETA Content Mod is installed. + Lets modders allow random parts for AI opponents, for any car part slot. (Useful if the modded car doesn't have LOD parts.) (Piston, Castrol (use "castrol" cheat code) and Rotary.) + Lets modders define engine type for any car. + Lets modders add up to 1000 names for random AI Opponents. + Lets modders define custom destroyed bounty award messages for any cop car. NoRimSize: Disables rim size checks for a specific brand. (Fully configurable via car-specific or general ini files.) (Parts should get added by modders.) + Adds new customization items to the menu. + Makes paint menu scroll properly when there are more than 80 colors in a category. + Fixes missing objects for options and stuff in FNGs by cloning them. + Fixes character names for non-career events. + Fixes flickering cars in crowded areas with rain. + Allows modders to add more than 10 cars in traffic patterns. + Fixes secondary logo issue for cars without manufacturer logo. + Lets modders use custom "manufacturer" on frontend VLT node, for their car mods with new manufacturers. + Fixes visibility, damage and crash issues for added cars. NFSMW Unlimiter is a script mod which fixes some issues and makes some improvements for added cars. Add car unlimiter limit most wanted nfsmw asi